Monday, December 26, 2005

drinks and tamales

the day after christmas. ok, nothing too special actually. i had a good time. on the 21st was the company's party, which was a blast, i dressed for the occasion (pix coming later), was feed good food, drank many sources of alcohol, had fun with Marco. then on christmas eve i worked early, went home, then went to oscar's mom's place. felt good, felt cozy, felt happy. on the 25th had to work from 10 to 7. i think i fell asleep at my station, but i had a tamal for lunch, first one this year. after work i went to a "chivo" (actually, it was a concert at someone's house) and had a zarpe (last drink) at a crowded heredian bar. today i tried to install a game in my computer, but apparently i suck with computers so it's not working. hope y'all had something good to look back from 2005, and something great to look forward in 2006. i know i have.

ok, so as i promised, these are some pictures from the party:

that's me sitting at our table

that's say, beca and me

and that's marco and me

1 comment:

gabamaca said...

ale vosa sos toa!

cada mes un hundertwasser pa mi!!!

te <3