Wednesday, October 05, 2005

bits and pieces

in order to keep this blog to date.. here are some random thoughts:

please, please, please i want to publish in the Revista de Lenguas Modernas (modern languages journal for those who don't know spanish)... i was thinking on submitting the final paper for the italian renaissance class i took in WAC... i think i got an A- so, c'mon, pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis

a ver como suena: giangiulio&barquerosuarez personal shoppers... hehe

i don't think i ever explained myself, or why this blog is in English, but well, it's because all my friends can understand it... i know it may sound conceited, but i do have many friends from other countries...

today in 3 hours i wrote 4 pages (just 3 to go!!) of my paper for the british survey class... whether they are good or not, it's really not my problem anymore...

i've been trying to include more pictures--or comic strips en su defecto--in the blog but i totally suck at technology and software applications...

look for this band (or download it if you can): "Riot Radio" by The Dead 60's... amazing...

best wishes and chocolate dreams for y'all

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