So, it's been a while since i last posted... i've been working 30 hours a week at the Quality Department at the sportsbook... it's exhausting and my ears hurt so much from having my glasses and the dj-styled headphones. Actually, i shouldn't be bitching about it... i need the money to pay for the credit card and for school, since this semester i'm not TAing so i don't get a scholarship. I also went back to the Lehmann bookstore for the consulting job, but only once a week for 4 hours, so i won't get much from that, and the progress seems to be going quite slow.then yesterday i found out what the 2 courses the masters will have for next semester. one i already took, and the other, well, it's XX century poetry.... i'm not quite excited with the course, but it would be my last 3 credits before i start working on the thesis, so i don't know if i should take it or wait one semester to see what else they are going to give... i could work on my thesis during that time, but, well, first i should delimit my topic and that has proven to be quite exhausting.but so far, the two courses i've been taking (a seminar on Bahktin, and a course on Hispanic literature in teh U.S) have been interesting. Mariella is coming in december, to stay in CR for a month, so i'm looking forward going to Quepos with her.i'm sorry but my mind is elsewhere and now my sister asked me to burn a couple of cd (before i go to work in a couple of hors) so i think this is it for now.